Saturday, April 02, 2005

Pie in the Face

William Kristol was apparently hit with a pie while giving a speech at Earlham College a couple of days ago. The full article is here. The last line tells it all... "Earlham is a liberal arts college of about 1,200 students that is well-known for its peace studies program."

Also in the article "The student was suspended and could face expulsion following a disciplinary review, Earlham Provost Len Clark said today." I don't want to seem all high and mighty about the behaviour of college students. I went to college and we did our fair share of pranks on each other and faculty. I would hope that had a student done this at my college to a guest speaker they would have been expelled. This is a private QUAKER school. The Quaker's, for those who don't know, are committed to complete non-violence. They don't even believe in a right to self defense as most of us would define it. To assault someone (and yes, this is assault when committed on a complete stranger as opposed to your boss at a company picnic at a pie eating contest :-) because you disagree with what they are saying is beyond the pale. He should have been arrested and expelled.

The good news for the community is this line of the piece:

"Members of the audience jeered the student as he walked off the stage, then applauded as Kristol wiped the goo off his face with a paper towel and said, "Just let me finish this point," the Palladium-Item reported.

That is the appropriate reaction.... more than likely from students who largely did not agree with what was being said. Maybe there is hope for the next generation.


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