Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Tom Delay judge removed

According to the Judge who presided over the hearing of his removal the following is the standard:

Perkins had declined to withdraw from the case, and prosecutor Rick Reed argued at the hearing that DeLay must prove that a member of the public would have a "reasonable doubt that the judge is impartial" before Perkins could be removed.

This guy contributed to MoveOn.Org. The trial is going to cover the legality of some political money moving by the state of Texas and national Republican Party. One of the people on trial was the Republican House Leader.

What was this guy thinking when he thought the public wouldn't have a reasonable doubt that he would be impartial. Notice, you do not need to prove he would be, just that there is a reasonable doubt. So some retired judge has to come out of retirement to tell him something that is utterly obvious to anybody with a brain.
Judges are elected in Texas and are free to contribute to candidates and political parties. DeGuerin said no one contends Perkins did anything wrong, but "to protect the integrity" of the judicial system, he should not preside over a trial for someone to whom he is opposed politically.

And to prevent looking like a buffoon you step aside politely and don't force the issue into a court room. People respect that.

Quotes from a My Way News article.


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