Wednesday, November 02, 2005


Just finished watching a Dayside segment. Michelle Malkin was on promoting her book. As a counter balance they had some liberal writer from Vanity Fair. He attempted to make the point that there was nothing liberal or conservative about public figures (in this case Michelle) getting despicably slurred. Everybody in the public eye gets that.

Michelle said fine. The black Democrats in the state house pelted the black Republican governor of Maryland Michael Steele with Oreo Cookies saying he was white on the inside. She then said that she hadn't seen the mainstream press or anyone from the Democratic Party denounce it. The Vanity Fair weenie wouldn't denounce it either but kept digging the hole deeper. I have to find the transcript and post it.

I think Michelle actually overreached. He was Lt. Gov. at that time, and he wasn't pelted by other black politicians. As far as I can tell from a quick search, the incident in question is that at a debate when running for Lt. Gov. with Gov. Erlich (they won) supporters of the opposition passed out Oreos to the crowd.... saying they represented Steele. This is despicable and the Democratic Party did not denounce it, but I find no reference to him being "pelted" which would have been worse.

Update: Michelle was referring to this article in the Washington Times today where Lt. Gov Steele was apparently pelted with the Oreos...... I assume Howard Dean, Bill Clinton, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, and Harry Reid will be on the national news tonight denouncing this behaviour.


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